Monday, May 26, 2008

Kitchen update

Ever since the day after my test, we have been going non-stop on the house and the kitchen. That first weekend we painted for hours and hours and hours - the next week Kyle continue constantly working in the kitchen and I spent every spare hour after work painting and packing. Finally, this weekend my parents helped me move in so now I am officially residing in the house we own.

It's been exhausting. I keep telling myself - just keep going. Stay strong for just a few more weeks. We are both exhausted but know that it WILL be worth it when it is done. The progress is starting to become very obvious though...

Kyle is starting to tile soon - which is exciting, because it will be the first new-looking part of the kitchen to go in. The cabinets are being installed sometime June 5-8. We ordered all of the appliances today (hooray for Memorial Day sales at Lowes - saving us hundreds of dollars!) and they will be delivered June 8. We will go order the countertops sometime right after Kyle gets back from Hawaii and they will go in about a week after the cabinets. There is light at the end of the tunnel...

But for now, it's nonstop tiling and last-minute working for Kyle before he leaves for vacation (I must say - I am extremely jealous and in much need of a vacation as well - but I have to wait 7 more weeks for Aruba). For me, it is continuing to unpack, patience with living in a construction zone, and painting the kitchen while Kyle is in Hawaii. (Any volunteers to help???) I just can't wait to see the finished product - when the whole house is ready to show off.

I've been so busy I haven't even been thinking about the time left til our wedding and somehow it has been minimized to 47 DAYS! Less than 7 weeks - wow!


Jenny Fleming said...

I wish we lived closer and could help you paint!

kiwi said...

i'm in! when can i help? :)

Aleesha said...

Meg, I can't believe you're getting married in SEVEN WEEKS! Where did the time go?!?