Monday, March 3, 2008

Congratulations Erin and Chuck!

One of my best friends and a pseudo-sister of mine got married this past weekend. Erin and Chuck were married on Feb. 29, Leap Day 2008 :) They are both in the Air Force, and Erin is being deployed this summer (also meaning she will not be able to be at my wedding... huge bummer) so they decided to get married before she left. They are both stationed in Alaska and had the ceremony up there, so the only people that made it were their parents and Air Force friends up there. I'm really sad to have missed it, but they will be having a ceremony and celebration next year after she returns - and we will all get to be involved! Here are a couple of pictures from their wedding:

The happy couple - and I will note that, while I didn't get to participate in this wedding or help her shop or plan, I WAS there when she bought the shoes she wore. I helped convince her they were really cute and I bought a pair myself in a different color. I know you can't see the shoes in this picture, but it made me feel as if I was able to participate somehow in the wedding... I'm strange, I know.

Here we are at the wedding - a picture really isn't good enough though :( But we were there in spirit and in prayer!

WE LOVE YOU ERIN! And welcome to the family, Chuck :)

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