Thursday, February 28, 2008

Life as an entry-level actuarial analyst

I made it back to work today after being sick for two days, and I went ahead and took a few pictures in case anyone was curious to see what my office looks like. Yes, that's right, I have my very own office. It's a pretty sweet deal - so much better than at PwC, where I didn't even have my own cube. Now, it's nothing really special, just a plain office, but it's all mine:

This is the best view I could get of my desk in my office. I know, it's looking a little bit plain. I need to put something on the walls but I haven't figured out what yet. Got any ideas? Also - that monitor does look rather ancient. But never fear, I've already been ordered a new computer that should be set up soon.

And this is the view I see sitting at my desk. Notice the bookcase to the left - I absolutely love bookcases. I think it has something to do with my love of books. However, it's completely empty right now as well. Besides one picture of my family. What should I put on it? I don't have any actuary books yet... I just don't know. Maybe I'll just start storing things here slowly so that I don't have to move it all when I move from my apartment into our future home.

And this is what I am currently working on... it is a huge litigation project that I believe will be taking over my life for the next few months. It sounds interesting, but it is definitely challenging me to read between the lines and try to figure out what exactly my boss wants me to do. I get a little overwhelmed sometimes, but hey - that's to be expected with a new job.

If you refer back to the picture of my view from my desk, you will notice a package sitting on the corner of my desk. That would be my study materials - and today would be the day I started studying for the test. It's back to the grind, but at least now I get some work study time. I already spent an evening at Borders tonight, and have plans to wake up early tomorrow morning to get some studying in before work.

It might be slightly nerdy, but I will admit, there is always a tinge of excitement inside of me when I receive new study materials. I know that studying changes my life, but I just can't explain the satisfaction I get as I pore over the notes, solve problems, and stress myself out for a test. And then the satisfaction of the test being over and having passed it - I guess I was meant to be an actuary. Well, since I have passed all the tests I've taken so far. Just pray the passing continues and when or if I do fail a test - I can still press on. We'll see how much of this attitude changes as I move on to the harder tests later, but for now, I'm just going to enjoy the good feelings I get from studying.

Please, remind me I said this when it is test time. And remind me of this when I am on my 9th test (hopefully in just 4 or 5 years), and ready to be DONE.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The training and studying begin....

Unfortunately for me, I have been stuck in my apartment sick the past couple of days. That puts quite a dent in my running and studying schedules. I'm a few days behind for both. Right now I just feel like crawling back in my bed. I do give major props to TheraFlu though. My roommate Julie is a huge fan of Theraflu, and offered to let me have some yesterday so I gave it a try. I ended up feeling a LOT better yesterday evening after taking one packet, and then slept fine after taking a nighttime packet - to the point where I really thought I'd wake up feeling fine. Sadly that didn't happen, and sadly there are no more Theraflu daytime packets.

As a quick running update - I surpassed a mile for the first time last weekend and managed to run 2.1 miles without stopping (a major accomplishment for me). So I have found 5k and 10k running plans and I'm going to stick to these for the next 19 weeks or so until the 4th comes and the Peachtree is here. And trust me, if (WHEN) I accomplish this goal, it will be a HUGE deal for me. HUGE. And what better way to spend the weekend before my wedding than running a 10k? (Just pray I don't break an ankle or something... that would be horrible). So, here is a short overview of my plan:

By next week I should be able to run 2.5 miles
In 3 weeks I should be able to run 2.75 miles
In 4 weeks I should be able to run 3 miles
In 8 weeks I should be able to run 3.5 miles
In 9 weeks I should be able to run 4 miles
In 13 weeks I should be able to run 4.5 miles
In 15 weeks I should be able to run 5 miles
In 17 weeks I should be able to run 5.5 miles
In 19 weeks, and at the race, I should be able to run a 10k.

So... wish me luck. And pray I start feeling better soon so I can accomplish this goal and get on with my training!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

"For such a time as this..."

I never feel as if I would really have something worthwhile to say in a blog. I tried the Livejournal thing a few years back - decided to grow up from that and stay away from the public-journaling world for awhile. But I read blogs now, interesting blogs about random things in people's lives, and I think that maybe - even if it isn't always profound or the most well-written - my blog can provide some entertainment and some insight into this crazy time in my life. So as an overview of what my blog will consist of, this is what is going on in my life right now:

1. Kyle and I are getting married July 12, 2008 and am in the midst of planning our wedding.
2. We are planning to buy a house and move into it this coming May - so are just now beginning our search for our very first home.
3. I just started a brand new job as an Actuarial Analyst a couple of weeks ago at a small consulting firm.
4. I am studying for part of the 3rd actuarial exam, which I will take in the middle of May.
5. I have made the personal goal of running in the Peachtree Road Race and completing a 10K on July 4 of this year - a really big deal, because I have never been a runner.

So welcome to my crazy world - where I am in the middle of a number of HUGE happenings in my life. But praise God for all the blessings He has given me, enabling me to enjoy this season in my life and help me to continuously remember, "For such a time as this..."